Tuesday 19 July 2011


The story of Moses is one that has been hammered into our heads since our days in Sunday School - his birth and achievements. We all know that Moses was born during the time where Pharaoh had ordered that any male child born to a Hebrew woman be thrown into the Nile (Exodus 2:1-20). However, Moses managed to escape this execution, not because of his own strength or the strength of his mother or sister, but because God had drawn out the plans He had for Moses long before he was conceived, and was only playing them out.

God did not let Moses be born in a time where the massacre of Hebrew male children was normal for nothing. He did not command Moses' mother to make a basket for him and place it on the same river that was the burial grounds for the other children for nothing. He did not make Moses float while the others sank for nothing. He did not cause Moses to enter into the palace of the one who had ordered his execution for nothing. He did this to show us that no matter the situation we may find ourselves in, He only has good plans for us (Jer 29:11), and it is in those situations that He will be glorified. Yes! It was intentional.

Psalm 139 tells us that God knew us way before we were thought of by our parents. He tells us that He has planned out our lives for us before we were conceived. He tells us that He knows our every thoughts and actions even before we do them. Basically, what He is telling us is that everything happening to us now is not coincidental, and that He is only working out that which He ordained and wrote in His Book before we came to be (v 16). Everything about us is planned.

Let's think again about the baby whose birth got shepherds to hear angels sing, whose birth brought about a star in the sky to direct wise men to Him, who was born in a manger, who was conceived by a virgin, who was born to save mankind. All the circumstances of that baby's birth had already been laid out in Isaiah and other books, centuries before His parents were born. The plans were being laid out merely as had been prophesied. Everything that happened was the intention of the Lord.

So yes, we are experiencing God's plans for us, irrespective of its bitter sweetness. Yes, our lives are not too exciting. Yes, it is intentional. You may think your life is insignificant, your life is too hard, you are being punished way beyond what you deserve, but you are not. So rather than dwell on the immediate taste and feel of the path our lives are taking, let's dwell on the aftertaste, which we have been assured is fantastic. Let the Word guide us and let the Holy Spirit lead us to accept what God has outlined for us. Fortunately or FORTUNATELY, it is intentional and so let' make the right choice and give Him the reins to finish off what He started, because He is the Beginning and the End (Rev 22:13).

God bless you!!! Live for Christ!!! <3

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