Thursday 7 July 2011


God has called each and everyone of us unto salvation. There is no difference between the Jew or the Gentile in God's eyes. He wants each and everyone of us to experience the healing power of Christ's death and resurrection. Brothers and sisters, no one is is required to follow a set of rules to render them fit to become a child of God because it is through the grace of the Lord Jesus that we are saved, just like everyone else who accepts Jesus as their Lord and personal saviour (Acts 15:11).

Jew or Gentile, we all belong to the body of Christ, each of us having very important roles to play in the Kingdom of Heaven (1 Cor. 12-13; 21-27). Let us endeavour not to estrange other people who want to experience the love of God because we feel that they do not it the picture of a child of God "for we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body - whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free - and were all given the one Spirit to drink."

Read Acts 15 and learn what ensued between some Jews and the disciples and apostles of Christ as they argued over the matter of Jews and Gentiles. There is a lot of wisdom to be obtained from this chapter. God bless you as you continue living for Christ!

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